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dbl will assign you an email address and password for your website. This address and password cannot be changed. The information should not be shared with anyone. If you think your password or account could be comprimised. Please contact support immediately.


Change Log v2.5.00

- FEATURE: Shopify integration added for categories and individual products.
- FEATURE: Import pre-created pages from another site sharing the same template.
- FEATURE: Insite template code editor.
- FEATURE: Settings system added for partners.
- FEATURE: Logging into admin takes you to the last page you visted.
- FEATURE: Admin template styleing/cusotomization system added.
- FEATURE: Error logs now flush every week.
- FEATURE: Blogs, news, listings features are all sorting by date by default.
- FEATURE: For improved login experience Captcha / Security has been upgraded to reCaptcha from Google.